Group Therapy & Counselling

Although it can seem intimidating to share personal experiences and feelings with a group of strangers, there are many positive aspects of group therapy.

Group therapy can involve a counsellor led group of between 5 and 15 individuals, the aim of which is to help participants to better understand themselves and their relationships, in turn allowing them to make more informed decisions and choices based on a deeper awareness of their own feelings and those of others.

Group therapy can provide a multitiude of opportunites for support and development, including the following;

  • Support – listening to others with similar issues to your own can help you feel less alone, whether it be depression, anxiety, an eating disorder or any other mental health issue.
  • Reflection – a group member can present an issue or problem you are having in a way that you may not see it yourself, offering various perspectives. It can be empowering and aid in self-acceptance and understanding.
  • Encouragement – when you see how others in the group are making strides in their recovery, it can propel you forward, encouraging you to push yourself further in your own recovery.
  • Social Skills – whilst easing isolation, group therapy encourages the participants to share, talk and actively listen, helping you to re-engage with people.
  • Self-Realization – a lack of insight into yourself and your own issues, can hinder recovery. Being involved in group therapy is a way of ‘uncovering the blind spots’ as participants can offer alternative views and help you to understand how others see you.

For more information or to book an initial assessment

Fill out our Online initial contact form or contact us today on 0845 527 4809 and let us help you be the best that you can be.